I am a tenured faculty member at a higher education institution in Europe. I love my job: to deeply understand and explain computer science concepts in a simple manner.
However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I grew increasingly dissatisfied due to lectures that had to move on-line. I have noticed that the on-site first and rigid framework for learning and studying imposed from higher-up makes both teachers and students miserable.
However, I believe that online learning can be better if organised properly.
This website (trulyunderstandingalgorithms.com) and the associated YouTube channel are my attempt at presenting to a larger audience my understanding of algorithms that are sometimes perceived to be difficult.
Inspired by other channels, such as the awesome 3brown1blue, I aim to present algorithms in a modern way that is also easy to follow and understand.
This is entirely a personal project done in my spare time.
My audience could consist of programmers, computer science professionals, students and anyone else who already has some basic understanding of programming, but may have missed, skipped, or skimmed over important topics in their computer science (self)education.